I don’t often blow horns, but when its deserved, I feel like its my duty too 🙂 For those of you that don’t know Matei, he is one of my best friends. We also work together a lot and so we get to spend a lot of time together. Usually in the car. In LA traffic. Sometimes, in airports travelling to or from fabulous destinations. Whatever the case, fact is…He is awesome. He is an amazing photographer. This Vogue (OMG!!!Vogue!!!) feature just goes to show exactly that. He deserves it. He works super hard. He also sweats like nobody else and its because what he does is emotionally and physically draining. As a wedding photographer you work like a maniac for a lot of hours. You can’t stop. There is no 15 minute break in the middle of it just because you are tired. Or because its literally 110 degrees outside and you didn’t get to have a drop of water in what feels like ages.
For Jessel and Pavits wedding I had the pleasure of tagging along as his second shooter. It was an adventure! It was challenging in ways I didn’t and couldn’t foresee at the time.
It was a day in October. I stayed up waaaay past my bed time to get to my overnight flight. I kissed my than 1 year old sleeping baby and had no idea that that hole in my heart will linger for the whole week. I forgot my equipment bag in a crowded Starbucks in the Dallas airport and almost had a heart attack about an hour later when I figured it out. I made really good friends with about 1000 Mexican mosquitoes. (I apparently had something no other had)
Jessel and Pavit were just the greatest hosts and such a beautiful couple!
The whole experience was a dream!
Please click on this link and admire the pictures. Sweat, mosquito bite tears and maybe one or two Margaritas went into the making 😉
Here is what Matei had to say and some more pictures of the fabulous affair:
March 23, 2016